North Star: Christopher Harris, MD
STFM Member Christopher Harris, MD, is a Family and Preventive Medicine resident at the University of Oklahoma Health Sciences Center. Dr Harris has been an STFM member since 2018 and is a 2020 Faculty for Tomorrow Resident Scholar.
Chris' Story: Teaching is a part of my DNA. As the son of a college professor and a middle school assistant principal, I routinely saw the impact that teachers have on their students. This impact is amplified in the African-American community where teachers often provide inspiration, guidance, and even a safe place for those in need–a moral and spiritual compass. Having this responsibility is an honor.
Throughout each phase of my educational career, there has always been at least one teacher who sacrificed to help me succeed. I have a responsibility to myself, my community, and my profession to enhance my knowledge base and skillset. I must lift as I climb.
Family medicine is the anchor of health care and the specialty in which the most patient-doctor interaction occurs. The relationship that a patient has with their family medicine physician often shapes their trust in the health care system.
African-Americans have the highest rates of maternal and infant morbidity and mortality. As a family medicine physician, I have the opportunity to intervene and improve these outcomes. Being able to take care of a mom and her children is a unique advantage of family medicine. I have not only learned the social determinants of health and their negative impact on an individual’s health, I have lived them.
The population where I grew up, North Tulsa, OK, is predominantly African-American. In addition to a myriad of historical factors, the lack of health care providers who resemble the community has played and continues to play a major role in the health outcomes of this particular demographic. Because of my ethnicity, I am able to relate to patients in a way that goes beyond diagnoses and treatments.
During my Master of Public Health program, I majored in health administration and policy, with a focus in quality improvement. Whether inpatient or outpatient, providing quality care is becoming synonymous with providing standards of care. Having experience in this area allows me to optimize the care that I provide, implement measures that improve clinic performance, and share those experiences with other providers.
Faculty for Tomorrow Resident Scholarships: The STFM Foundation supports multiple scholarships to help cover travel expenses for residents like Christopher to attend the Faculty for Tomorrow Preconference Workshop at the STFM Annual Spring Conference. With support from donors to the Underrepresented in Medicine Campaign, the STFM Foundation provides additional scholarships for underrepresented in medicine applicants.