Presenter Information
A full listing of conference presentations, including dates/times, titles, presenters, abstracts, and objectives are available online here. This information will also be available on the mobile app at the conference.
Session Formats
Preconference Workshop
Interactive, skill-building session that occurs on the day before the conference begins and requires more time than the other conference formats allow. Space is very limited.
Time: 4–8 hours
A participatory, task-oriented, small group educational experience directed toward the acquisition, demonstration, construction, and/or synthesis of specific knowledge, skills, and /or attitudes.
Time: 90 minutes
Panel Discussion
A moderated, interactive session that brings together 3-5 expert panelists to engage participants in discussion about an innovative or provocative topic in family medicine education. The expertise of the panelists and a brief rationale for bringing them together must be included in the submission.
Time: 60 minutes
An interactive session focusing on dissemination and discussion of an innovative educational, administrative, research, career development, or clinical topic. Active audience engagement beyond question and answer is required.
Time: 60 minutes
A 20-25 minute presentation, followed by 5-10 minutes of participant interaction and/or discussion about a curricular, teaching, administration, or faculty development topic or project. Active audience engagement is required.
Time: 30 minutes discussion (each; two paired presentations presented consecutively in each session.)
Completed Scholarly Project
A 15-minute presentation wherein presenters briefly describe implementation and outcomes of a completed innovative educational, administrative, career development, or clinical program/project. Active audience engagement is required but limited to question and answer format.
Time: 15 minutes; 10 minutes for presentation, 5 minutes for discussion discussion (each; multiple presentations grouped by topic and presented consecutively in each session.)
Completed Research Project
These sessions focus on research submissions that critically evaluate and test completed interventions in education, process of care, patient-oriented outcomes, and quality of care. Submissions must include purpose, methods, results, and conclusions.
Time: 15 minutes; 10 minutes for presentation, 5 minutes for discussion (each; multiple presentations grouped by topic presented consecutively in each session.)
Distinguished Paper Time: 20 minutes–15 minutes for presentation and 5 minutes for questions and discussions.
Scholarly Topic Roundtable Discussion
A roundtable presentation wherein 10 participants share ideas, experiences, or projects pertinent to family medicine education, clinical care, research, or management. This presentation occurs in small group format, scheduled concurrently with other presentations during continental breakfast in the general session ballroom.
Time: 50 minutes (including breakfast)
Developing Scholarly Project Poster
An opportunity to view and discuss an innovative educational or curricular project pertinent to family medicine, that is in an early stage of development.
Time: Presenters will be assigned to a 60-minute poster session
Completed Scholarly Project Poster
An opportunity to view and discuss implementation and results of a completed innovative educational or curricular project pertinent to family medicine.
Time: Presenters will be assigned to a 60-minute poster session
Completed Research Poster
An opportunity to view quality of care studies and discuss investigators’ completed original research.
Time: Presenters will be assigned to a 60-minute poster session
Behavioral Science/Family Systems Educator Fellows’ Poster
An opportunity to view fellows' year-long projects and discuss their on-going results and outcomes.
Time: Presenters will be assigned to a 60-minute poster session
Emerging Leaders Fellows’ Poster
An opportunity to view fellow’s year-long project and discuss their on-going results and outcomes.
Time: Presenters will be assigned to a 60-minute poster session
If you have any questions, contact the STFM office at (800) 274‑7928 or stfmoffice@stfm.org.