Rebecca Cantone, MD
Dr. Cantone is an Assistant Dean of UME Student Affairs and ex-Director of Student Education and Clerkship Director for Family Medicine at the Oregon Health & Science University (OHSU) in Portland, Oregon. She completed a leadership track and chief residency at the University of California-Davis Family and Community Residency Program. Shortly after joining faculty at OHSU, she began teaching and mentoring medical students, leading educational discussions and didactics across all years of medical school, and had the opportunity to serve as the Director of Advising for FM. She continued to be recruited for teaching roles in the MD and PA programs, and completed the STFM Emerging Leaders Fellowship and OHSU’s Education Scholars Program. She focuses on expanding training for treatment of substance use disorders and transgender health and is passionate about student-centered education, career development, and professional identity formation.

Sean Robinson, MD
Sean Robinson, MD, grew up in Salt Lake City, UT and completed his undergraduate degree at the University of Utah in Material Science and Engineering. He went to the Medical College of Wisconsin for medical school, was matched to the family medicine residency at Oregon Health & Science University followed by a sports medicine fellowship at OHSU. For over 7 years he served in the OHSU School of Medicine College Learning Community. Within his department, he was appointed to serve as the Department of Family Medicine Director of Sub-Internship and Electives, which he has sustained for the past 7 years. He currently serves as the chair of the undergraduate medical education curriculum committee. In 2021, he was appointed to lead the departmental education mission as director of student education. He is the head team physician at Lewis and Clark College where he has served for the last 5 years.

Dan Sepdham, MD
After residency at the UT Health Science Center in San Antonio, I served in the US Air Force. In 2006, I joined UT Southwestern Medical Center. I was fortunate my department chair was a proponent of medical student education. My introduction to undergraduate medical education (UME) came through a departmental “boot camp” as well as one of the earliest MSEDI fellowships. These foundational experiences led to subsequent roles as FM Clerkship Director and FM Interest Group Advisor among others. My most extraordinary privilege is serving as a small group mentor. Each year, I am assigned a group of MS1 students and meet with them regularly throughout medical school. Medical student education is the highlight of my career. Yet, it is entirely possible I could have missed out on it all, if not for my mentors and STFM. I am eternally grateful. I hope you will also find joy in UME.

Matthew Holley, PhD
Matthew Holley, PhD is an assistant professor of clinical family medicine at the Indiana University School of Medicine where he also serves as the vice-chair for faculty & staff affairs and professional development. In addition, he serves as the associate director for the Academy of Teaching Scholars within the division of Faculty Affairs and Professional Development. His academic research is in the areas of medical student education, faculty development, inclusive teaching practices, and healthcare disparities with a particular focus on sexual and gender minorities. Originally from Illinois, Matt has an extensive background in leadership development through his previous work with nonprofit organizations. His work and commitment to community service has earned him the Indiana University Trustees Teaching Award, IUSM Inspirational Educator Award, the Indianapolis Business Journal’s 40 Under 40 award, and the Indiana Governor’s Award for Tomorrow’s Leaders.