Faculty Training

Family Medicine Leadership Development Opportunities

Explore leadership and professional development opportunities sponsored by family medicine organizations. These range from longitudinal fellowships to intensive in-person training sessions to online professional development. They are organized by career stage for easy exploration. 

Promote diversity and help match individuals with the right opportunity at the right time along their pathways toward leadership positions in academic medicine. More about the tool.   

Leadership Development Tool

Family Medicine Leadership Development Opportunities

ABFM Visiting Scholars Program
Sponsor: American Board of Family Medicine (ABFM)
Audience: All Members of the Family
Length: 2-4 weeks
User Fees: None
Awards: Approximately $2,500 to support housing and travel expenses. Additional money is available to support academic presentations on the scholar’s work.
Link: https://www.theabfm.org/research/visitingscholar.aspx
Description: This program offers participants an in-depth immersion at the ABFM and the opportunity to do research. The length of the experience is intended to be 2-4 weeks. Scholars will work directly with ABFM staff on original research projects that align their own interests with those of the ABFM. Young researchers can enjoy a research and policy experience at the ABFM, while learning about and conducting research regarding the roles of certification boards in setting health care policy and in improving the quality of health care. Scholars with a significant policy interest may complete the program in Washington, DC, with our Vice President for Research and Policy. The goal is that each Scholar will develop a deliverable product at the end of their experience with a peer-reviewed publication as the norm.

Building Research Capacity (BRC)
Sponsor: North American Primary Care Research Group (NAPCRG) and Association of Departments of Family Medicine (ADFM)
Audience: Learners, faculty and leaders in Departments and residency programs
Length: Curricular sessions varying from 60-120 minutes
User Fees: none
Awards: None
Link: https://napcrg.org/programs/buildingresearchcapacity-brc/building-research-capacity-brc-program/ 
Description: BRC is a joint initiative between ADFM and NAPCRG in cooperation with STFM. All family medicine departments and residency programs seek to build or sustain their research and scholarship capacity. That’s where BRC comes in. BRC provides opportunities for all departments and residency programs to engage in a mutually beneficial learning community to leverage our strengths and resources for building research capacity. BRC offers a Brief Consultation Service and a Curriculum for all interested departments and residency programs and an Extended Consultation Service on a limited basis. Core curricular topics include:

  • How to build a culture of inquiry
  • How to think about & approach the value of collaboration in research
  • Leadership as a critical component of developing and sustaining research capacity
  • Research faculty development, support & skill development
  • Building the research team
  • Financing and staffing research infrastructure
  • Developing and leveraging existing family medicine research labs

Enhancing Career Satisfaction
Sponsor: American Academy of Family Physicians (AAFP)
Audience: Members
Length: Each lecture is up to 1 hour
User Fees: Family Physician Health and Well-being Conference registration
Awards: None
Link: https://www.aafp.org/events/fpwb-conf/schedule.html
Description: Come together with other family physicians to focus on individual wellness, while discovering solutions for improved professional satisfaction, leadership development, and better patient care within a broken system.

Family Medicine Health Equity Fellowship Program
Sponsor: American Academy of Family Physicians and Association of Family Medicine Residency Directors
Audience: AAFP Members with strong interest in health equity issues
Length: 12-months
User Fees: None
Awards: Annual stipend of $12,000 with travel reimbursement up to $600
Link: https://www.aafp.org/patient-care/social-determinants-of-health/health-equity-fellowship.html
Description: The purpose of the Health Equity Fellowship is to cultivate a cohort of family medicine physicians who will be considered subject matter experts on the social, institutional and cultural influences that impact health (social determinants of health). These ‘subject matter experts” will also serve as leaders with the goal of advancing diversity and achieving equity in their communities. At the completion of the fellowship, participants will be called upon to act as Family Medicine leaders capable of impacting change in their local communities and primary care.  The fellowship program will equip participants with the knowledge, skills and abilities to translate the concepts they learn into practice.  The Fellows will be paired with mentors from AFMRD and AAFP who are considered experts in the fields of medical education, rural health, research, public health and health care policy. The program will focus on four key issues, delivered in modules quarterly; workforce diversity and development, community engagement, advocacy, and point-of-care resources and tools.  Fellows are expected to dedicate roughly 15-20 hours per month participating in learning modules and meetings with staff and mentors both virtually and in-person. The Fellows are also expected to participate as active members in their State Chapters and the AAFP. At the end of the program year, they will demonstrate their learning objectives with a capstone project with the support of staff and mentor. Each Fellow will develop an independent project with the support and guidance of staff and mentors incorporating the core learning objectives. The project should consist of original work that adds to the current understanding of health equity issues in primary care, to include but not limited to issues of; rural health care delivery, strategies for increasing diversity in the healthcare workforce, development of policy recommendations or policy evaluations, development of new services or products for members, etc.  This independent project may consist of a poster presentation, articles, research projects or educational outreach, etc. and will be considered the intellectual property of the AAFP for promotional and marketing purposes in accordance with AAFP policies. 

Grant Generating Project (GGP)
Sponsor: North American Primary Care Research Group (NAPCRG)
Audience: Faculty members who are interested in pursuing investigator-generated independent research on topics of interest to primary care
Length: Year-long fellowship
User Fees: $4,000 tuition, travel costs to NAPCRG Annual Meeting and STFM Annual Meeting (meeting registration is not included in $4,000)
Awards: TBD (scholarships will be available for Canadians and Americans)
Link: https://napcrg.org/programs/grantgeneratingproject-ggp/grant-generating-project-ggp/
Description: This “fellowship without walls” is newly renovated. Some of the changes include updating the course to cover grant development and writing, but also expanding to include modules on patient and community engagement, how to overcome writer’s block, developing your knowledge translation plan and making sense of different funders requirements and much more. The GGP moved to a state-of-the-art blended learning approach with only two in person meetings instead of four. You are able to complete online modules supported by expert mentors at your own pace before each of the in-person sessions that will give you detailed and extensive feedback on your grant application and concept paper.

Larry A. Green Visiting Scholar Program
Sponsor: Robert Graham Center
Audience: Students, Residents & Senior Faculty
Length: 1 Month
User Fees: None
Awards: One Visiting Scholar per month receives lodging and a small stipend for travel expenses
Link: https://www.graham-center.org/rgc/scholars-fellows/fellowship-program/about.html
Description: The Robert Graham Center hosts visiting scholars for one month to work collaboratively on health policy research and products relevant to primary care and family medicine. This program is supported by the Pisacano Leadership Foundation, which allows it to offer furnished lodging on metro in downtown D.C. and a travel stipend. Scholars work directly with Graham Center staff on original research projects with a goal of producing nationally significant publications and other dissemination of findings. The program provides researchers with an analytic policy immersion experience in the nation’s capital focused on health policy from a family medicine and primary care perspective; provides the RGC with a renewable source of ideas, energy, competencies, and service that enhances the performance of the RGC; develops the infrastructure for policy-relevant research in primary care; and builds research capacity for primary care throughout the nation. .

Leading Change Online Courses
Sponsor: Society of Teachers of Family Medicine (STFM) and Association of Departments of Family Medicine (ADFM)
Audience: Junior Faculty, Mid-Career Faculty
Length: approximately 3 hours
User Fees: Free
Awards: Certificate of Participation
Link: https://www.stfm.org/facultydevelopment/onlinecourses/leadingchangecourse/overview/
Description: This self-directed online course is for participants who want to lead change within their institutions, communities, and nations. The course includes short interactive modules, a downloadable Leading Change Workbook for individual learners, 18 group activities, and video interviews with change leaders. Learners may complete one course or all, and will earn a certificate of completion if they work through the entire course. Topics include: Building Your Team, Creating Urgency, Constructing a Change Plan, Common Team Dysfunctions, Leadership Wellness, Resilience and Authenticity, and more.

Sponsor: American College of Osteopathic Family Physicians
Audience: Residency Programs/COMs Programs
Length: Self-paced
User Fees: $400–$7,600 (depends on residency or COM and their size)
Awards: None
Description: The all-new ACOFP OMT video library includes demonstrations of 150 OMT procedures to treat the whole body for a range symptoms and features physicians showing various methods of OMT procedures while explaining their techniques and the impact on conditions. Videos are searchable by anatomy, manipulations, symptoms and chapters of the textbook, Somatic Dysfunction in Osteopathic Family Medicine, 2nd Edition. Additionally, each chapter comes with a prepared PowerPoint deck covering the highlights of the textbook and quizzes for students and residents to take. Administrators have access to the quiz keys to check their work.

Robert L. Phillips, Jr., Health Policy Fellowship Program
Sponsor: Robert Graham Center & Georgetown University
Audience: Board-certified/eligible family physicians with strong interest in health policy
Length: Up to two years
User Fees: None
Awards: Annual stipend of $60,000 with health benefits and vacation
Link: https://www.graham-center.org/rgc/scholars-fellows/fellowship-program/about.html
Description: The Graham Center and Georgetown University co-sponsor a one-year fellowship in health policy and faculty development. Fellows work with the Graham Center staff to address health policy questions of interest, culminating in a project for national dissemination, and currently also have opportunities to spend time working in a federal agency with interest in primary care.  For all fellows, the year begins with exposure to primary care health policy data, developing research skills, and participating in all phases of research from conception through dissemination. The fellow is introduced to various local and national organizations focused on public policy research, planning, and implementation, including health care leaders and community activists.

Each fellow will develop skills and knowledge to become clinical leaders in diverse settings of family medicine practice; prepare for careers in academic medicine through faculty development activities and by teaching medical students and residents; and educate future leaders in the development and promotion of primary care health policy, research, and publications.

AAFP Leadership Conference
Sponsor: American Academy of Family Physicians (AAFP)
Audience: Current and aspiring family medicine leaders and chapter staff
Length: 3 1/2 days
User Fees: The cost is $230. Students and residents can attend for $150.
Awards: None
Link: https://www.aafp.org/events/aclf-nccl.html
Description: This leadership conference, which takes place over 3.5 days each year in Kansas City, is for current and aspiring family medicine leaders and chapter staff. Two parallel tracks are comprised of the Annual Chapter Leader Forum and the National Conference of Constituency Leaders.

The Annual Chapter Leader Forum (ACLF) track is a leadership development program for chapter-elected leaders, aspiring chapter leaders, and chapter staff. ACLF features targeted breakout sessions on board governance, legislative and advocacy issues, membership strategies, communication efforts, and trends in family medicine among other topics.

The National Conference of Constituency Leaders (NCCL) track is a leadership and policy development track for underrepresented constituencies, including women, minorities, new physicians, international medical graduates and lesbian, gay, bisexual, and transgender physicians. NCCL allows aspiring leaders to create powerful platforms for change and influence AAFP policies and positions as well as build leadership skills to use in practice and the community. In addition to sessions on leadership, communications, advocacy, and media training, NCCL offers a dedicated business track to train members on the resolution development process.

ABFM Lewis Sigmon Senior Scholars Program
Sponsor: American Board of Family Medicine (ABFM)
Audience: Senior Faculty, All Members of the Family
Length: 2-4 weeks
User Fees: None
Awards: Negotiable to support housing and travel expenses. Additional money is available to support academic presentations on the scholar’s work.
Link: https://www.theabfm.org/research/visitingscholar.aspx
Description: This program is an extension of the ABFM Visiting Scholars Program with additional financial support and the additional expectations of an authoritative product. Sigmon Scholars are senior leaders or researchers in family medicine. They have an in-depth immersion at the ABFM and the opportunity to conduct research or policy work during the program, which takes place over 2-4 weeks. Scholars work directly with ABFM staff on original research projects that align their own interests with those of the ABFM.

ADFM Annual Conference 
Sponsor: Association of Departments of Family Medicine (ADFM) 
Audience: Chairs/Division Head, Senior Department Administrators 
Length: 3 days 
User Fees: $620 for chairs and $580 for administrators in 2019
Awards: None 
Website: https://www.adfm.org/meetings/future-meetings/
Description: This February meeting is held for Chair and Senior Administrator representatives of ADFM member Departments; individual Associate Members are also allowed to attend as are other invited leaders (see ADFM Senior Leaders program). The conference offers chair and senior administrator development in areas critical to the multiple missions of departments of family medicine. The program typically includes plenary sessions with outside speakers, sharing of best practices/innovations from members, and opportunities for networking and communication between chairs and administrators.

ADFM LEADS Fellowship: Leadership Education for Academic Development and Success
Sponsor: Association of Departments of Family Medicine (ADFM)
Audience: Senior Faculty, Mid-Career Faculty
Length: 1 year
User Fees: $3700 in 2019 (includes ADFM annual conference fees for 2 years)
Awards: None
Link: https://www.adfm.org/programs/leads-fellowship/  
Description:  The ADFM LEADS Fellowship Program provides interactive training, tools, and experiential learning for faculty aspiring to senior leadership positions, including Department Chair, and those interested in exploring whether these positions might be a good career fit. In the LEADS program, you’ll identify areas for professional development from ADFM’s leadership competencies and complete a project designed to improve skills in some of these areas; develop an ongoing connection with one-on-one advising from an experienced Department Chair on your project and career goals; participate in ADFM’s member offerings, including attendance at the ADFM annual conference and access to the ADFM listserve; and access a number of trainings and resources specifically designed for LEADS participants.

ADFM Senior Leaders Program 
Sponsor: Association of Departments of Family Medicine (ADFM)
Audience: Senior Faculty 
Length: >3 days 
User Fees: $620 in 2018 
Awards: None
Website: https://www.adfm.org/programs/interest-in-sr-leadership-programs/
Description: The Senior Leader Program is a leadership development opportunity for leaders in Departments of Family Medicine who are not Associate Members of ADFM to attend the ADFM annual conference with their chair, with requested attendance at some conference “optional” events. This opportunity is intended to strengthen not only individuals' leadership skills but leadership in Departments. It exposes participants to innovations and benchmarks in all missions - patient care, teaching, and research across the country, and imparts training in core skills necessary for academic leadership. The Senior Leader must be nominated by the Department Chair. To be eligible for nomination, the individual must have been in departmental leadership for 2 or more years. Requests for nominations for this program are sent around to the Department Chairs in November/December preceding the February meeting.

FMIG Faculty Advisor Summit
Sponsor: American Academy of Family Physicians (AAFP)
Audience: Senior Faculty, Mid-Career Faculty, Junior Faculty, Students
Length: 1 day or less
User Fees: None
Awards: None
Link: https://www.aafp.org/medical-school-residency/fmig/connect.html
Description: This summit brings together faculty and staff serving as advisors and supporters to their institution’s Family Medicine Interest Group (FMIG) or Student Association of the American College of Osteopathic Family Physicians (ACOFP student chapter) to learn and share about effective administration of these student groups, role modeling behaviors, family medicine messaging, programming, fundraising strategies, and more. Advisors are also engaged in faculty leadership and skill development. These workshops are hosted by the AAFP’s national FMIG Network in even-numbered years in conjunction with the STFM Conference on Medical Student Education.

Interim Chair Hotline
Sponsor: Association of Departments of Family Medicine (ADFM)
Audience: New Department Chairs
Length: 30-60 minutes
User Fees: None
Awards: None
Link: https://www.adfm.org/programs/new-chair-programs/
Description: The ADFM Leadership Development Committee has a “hotline” service for those who have been asked to become interim chairs in the near future or have been in the interim chair role a short time and have not yet been connected with an advisor, but have immediate questions related to the chair job. Those with immediate questions related to taking a chair position or to being interim chair are asked to contact Amanda Weidner (aweidner@adfm.org).

ADFM Leadership Development Preconference
Sponsor: Association of Departments of Family Medicine (ADFM)
Audience: New Department Chairs, Department Chairs, Senior Faculty
Length: half day
User Fees: $50 additional to fee for ADFM annual conference
Awards: None
Link: Link: https://www.adfm.org/ under the “Meetings” tab (when info about the meeting is posted)
Description: A preconference focusing on various leadership development topics is held annually on the Wednesday afternoon of the ADFM Annual conference. New chairs, not-so-new chairs, ADFM Fellows, and senior leaders are all invited to attend. Examples of past topics include Financing Departments of Family Medicine, Normalizing Change and Managing People, and Leadership Competencies

New Chairs Advising Program
Sponsor: Association of Departments of Family Medicine (ADFM)
Audience: New Department Chairs
Length: at least 2 years (ADFM tracks the pair for 2 years)
User Fees: None
Awards: None
Link: https://www.adfm.org/programs/new-chair-programs/
Description: This program pairs an early career chair advisee (usually less than 3 years in the job) with a more experienced chair advisor (5 or more years on the job). The pair commits to check-ins and communication on a regular basis, at least quarterly for 2 years, and to meeting in person at the annual conference and other venues where both parties are present. Specific goals/objectives for the advising relationship are identified at the beginning, including a general goal of providing/receiving advice and approaches to problem solving/management dilemmas. The advisor may also serve as a facilitator for relationships with others for specific expertise or input, if needed.

National Institute for Program Director Development Fellowship
Sponsor: Association of Family Medicine Residency Directors (AFMRD)
Audience: Program Directors, Senior Faculty
Length: 9 months
User Fees: $5,500
Awards: None
Link: http://www.afmrd.org/page/about-the-nipdd-fellowship
Description: This fellowship is specifically designed for senior-level family physician educators who want to enhance and develop the leadership skills necessary for residency directors, and it uses a unique adult learning model to enhance knowledge, attitudes, and skills. The NIPDD Fellowship offers a comprehensive curriculum to support interest in resources about enhanced leadership, management, and communication skills; an understanding of program finances; and a working familiarity with educational (ACGME) and certification (ABFM) requirements. The fellowship is available to new program directors, associate/assistant program directors, directors of developing programs, and physicians planning to assume the role of program director.

New Chairs Resources Website
Sponsor: Association of Departments of Family Medicine (ADFM)
Audience: New Department Chairs
Length: N/A
User Fees: None
Awards: None
Link: https://www.adfm.org/resources/new-chairs/
Description: ADFM’s “New & Interim Chair Resources Toolbox,” includes more information about ADFM and offers a number of resources for new and interim chairs and other leaders in academic medicine

New Chairs Workshop at the Dept of Family Medicine, University of Missouri, Columbia
Sponsor: Association of Departments of Family Medicine (ADFM) and the University of Missouri, Columbia
Audience: New Department Chairs, Senior Leaders
Length: 4 days
User Fees: $1,000 in 2019 (includes materials & meals)
Awards: None
Link: http://medicine2.missouri.edu/family-community-medicine/new-chairs-workshop/ 
Description: This annual workshop is aimed at a small group (usually 6 to 8) new chairs with a goal to prepare them for the challenges, expectations, and responsibilities of their role. The central feature of this program is a consultative model whereby: (1) new chair attendees prepare a case as pre-work describing their challenge/problem; (2) the team at MU reviews the case description and brings together necessary resources with the other attendees and faculty; (3) the MU team identifies key people within the institution that the individual new chair chooses for 1:1 consultations learning more about specific issues which may be translatable to his or her own institution or department. Participants leave with new relationships that they can call on in the future to help provide advice, expertise, or counsel.

ADFM Administrator's Preconference
Sponsor: Association of Departments of Family Medicine (ADFM) 
Audience: Senior Department Administrators
Length: 1 day
User Fees: $110 in 2019 (fees may vary)
Awards:  None
Website: https://www.adfm.org/ under the “Meetings” tab (when info about the meeting is posted)
Description: This preconference workshop held before the ADFM annual conference is for senior department administrators who are members of ADFM and is designed to address critical knowledge and skills unique to that of directing the financial and administrative functions within a department of family medicine. The kinds of issues commonly addressed are: sharing best practices and success stories; developing and managing compensation plans; managing faculty recruitment; managing relationships with state, other government, and private funders; clinic management including practice transformation (PCMH and beyond); chair-administrator partnership; the role of the administrator in the department; and managing departmental resources.

Administrator’s Mentorship Program
Sponsor: Association of Departments of Family Medicine (ADFM)
Audience: New Department Administrators
Length: 1 year
User Fees: None
Awards: None
Website: https://www.adfm.org/programs/administrators-mentorship-program/
Description: A formal mentoring program that pairs seasoned ADFM Administrators (more than 3 years in a department) with new ADFM Administrators (less than 3 years) in family medicine departments that are closely related. The participant receives assistance with the transition to a department of family medicine administrative role and improves knowledge, skills and abilities related to that role. The mentorship program lays out a format for defining expectations and specific goal-setting.

AAFP Leadership Conference
Sponsor: American Academy of Family Physicians (AAFP)
Audience: Current and aspiring family medicine leaders and chapter staff
Length: 3 1/2 days
User Fees: The cost is $230. Students and residents can attend for $150.
Awards: None 
Link: https://www.aafp.org/events/aclf-nccl.html
Description: This leadership conference, which takes place over 3.5 days each year in Kansas City, is for current and aspiring family medicine leaders and chapter staff. Two parallel tracks are comprised of the Annual Chapter Leader Forum and the National Conference of Constituency Leaders.

The Annual Chapter Leader Forum (ACLF) track is a leadership development program for chapter-elected leaders, aspiring chapter leaders, and chapter staff. ACLF features targeted breakout sessions on board governance, legislative and advocacy issues, membership strategies, communication efforts, and trends in family medicine among other topics.

The National Conference of Constituency Leaders (NCCL) track is a leadership and policy development track for underrepresented constituencies, including women, minorities, new physicians, international medical graduates and lesbian, gay, bisexual, and transgender physicians. NCCL allows aspiring leaders to create powerful platforms for change and influence AAFP policies and positions as well as build leadership skills to use in practice and the community. In addition to sessions on leadership, communications, advocacy, and media training, NCCL offers a dedicated business track to train members on the resolution development process.

ADFM LEADS Fellowship: Leadership Education for Academic Development and Success
Sponsor: Association of Departments of Family Medicine (ADFM)
Audience: Senior Faculty, Mid-Career Faculty
Length: 1 year
User Fees: $9,500 (includes ADFM annual conference fees for 2 years)
Awards: None
Link: https://www.adfm.org/programs/leads-fellowship/  
Description:  The ADFM LEADS Fellowship Program provides interactive training, tools, and experiential learning for faculty aspiring to senior leadership positions, including Department Chair, and those interested in exploring whether these positions might be a good career fit. In the LEADS program, you’ll identify areas for professional development from ADFM’s leadership competencies and complete a project designed to improve skills in some of these areas; develop an ongoing connection with one-on-one advising from an experienced Department Chair on your project and career goals; participate in ADFM’s member offerings, including attendance at the ADFM annual conference and access to the ADFM listserve; and access a number of trainings and resources specifically designed for LEADS participants.

ACOFP Future Leaders Conference
Sponsor: American College of Osteopathic Family Physicians
Audience: Residents and New Physicians in Practice for One to Five Years
Length: 2.5 Days
User Fees: Attendees pay for their travel only
Awards: No
Link (to program site): https://www.acofp.org/acofpimis/Acofporg/Events/Future_Leaders_Conference/Acofporg/Professional_Development/Future_Leaders_Conference.aspx
Description: The Future Leaders Conference identifies outstanding new physicians and family medicine residents interested in achieving a greater awareness of their leadership style and its impact on their professional performance. The goal is for the attendees to learns to maintain and prioritize personal balance, lead while managing change, understand strengths, maximize the talents of others, learning what influences leadership and connect with peers and mentor leaders of ACOFP. Conference attendees are selected by an application process and allows up to 30 participants.

Behavioral Science/Family Systems Educator Fellowship
Sponsor: Society of Teachers of Family Medicine (STFM)
Audience: Family medicine faculty who are responsible for coordinating or teaching the behavioral science/family systems curriculum in their departments or residencies. Preference is given to applicants with 1 to 5 years of experience as a faculty member.
Length: 1 year
User Fees: $1,500
Awards: None
Link: https://www.stfm.org/facultydevelopment/fellowships/behavioralsciencefamilysystemseducatorfellowship/overview/
Description: This yearlong fellowship combines a structured learning curriculum of core content and formalized mentoring that enable faculty to: better understand the medical culture and learn how to increase the value of integrating behavioral science and family systems core principles into the practice of family medicine; actively participate in a professional development plan that builds upon the fundamentals of behavioral science education; develop a Professional Learning Contract to include a mentored scholarly project; and benefit from a strong mentoring relationship with seasoned behavioral science/family systems educators.

Emerging Leaders Fellowship
Sponsor: Society of Teachers of Family Medicine (STFM)
Audience: Junior Faculty, Mid-career Faculty
Length: 1 year
User Fees: $3,030
Awards: None
Link: https://www.stfm.org/facultydevelopment/fellowships/emergingleadersfellowship/overview/
Description: The yearlong fellowship offers training, tools, and support for new faculty and those who are transitioning to leadership roles. It provides leadership training designed specifically for family medicine educators, with an actual leadership experience—participants lead a team in completion of a project, and then present their results. It also includes interaction with STFM leadership and instruction on team teaching, understanding different personality types, advocacy, and communicating with the media. Upon graduation, the fellow gives a poster presentation and attends an STFM leadership opportunities session at the STFM Annual Spring Conference.

FMIG Faculty Advisor Summit
Sponsor: American Academy of Family Physicians (AAFP)
Audience: Senior Faculty, Mid-Career Faculty, Junior Faculty, Students
Length: 1 day or less
User Fees: None
Awards: None
Link: https://www.aafp.org/medical-school-residency/fmig/connect.html
Description: This summit brings together faculty and staff serving as advisors and supporters to their institution’s Family Medicine Interest Group (FMIG) or Student Association of the American College of Osteopathic Family Physicians (ACOFP student chapter) to learn and share about effective administration of these student groups, role modeling behaviors, family medicine messaging, programming, fundraising strategies, and more. Advisors are also engaged in faculty leadership and skill development. These workshops are hosted by the AAFP’s national FMIG Network in even-numbered years in conjunction with the STFM Conference on Medical Student Education.

James C. Puffer, MD/American Board of Family Medicine Fellowship at the National Academy of Medicine (NAM)
Sponsor: National Academy of Medicine (NAM) and American Board of Family Medicine (ABFM)
Audience: Junior Faculty, All Members of the Family
Length: 2 years
User Fees: None
Awards: $25,000 and all NAM associated travel expense
Link: www.nam.edu/programs/health-policy-educational-programs-and-fellowships/nam-fellowship-p

Description: This fellowship enables early-career health policy and science scholars in family medicine to participate actively in the work of the National Academy of Medicine (NAM) and to further their careers as future leaders in the field. The fellowship is awarded for a 2-year period. During this time, fellows are expected to continue their work at their main academic post while being assigned to a board of the NAM. The fellowship requires a 10%-20% commitment of time for 2 years, and includes attendance at a 1-week orientation on health policy in October, the Fall NAM Annual Meeting and the meetings of the assigned NAM board. Additionally, the fellow participates actively in the work of an appropriate expert study committee or roundtable, including contributing to its reports or other products. Each fellow is assigned to a NAM member who will serve as a senior mentor during the 2 years of the fellowship.

Leadership Through Scholarship Fellowship
Sponsor: Society of Teachers of Family Medicine (STFM)
Audience: Junior Faculty
Length: 1 year
User Fees: No fees for 2023-2024. Tuition will be added in 2025 when grant funding ends.
Awards: None
Link: https://www.stfm.org/facultydevelopment/fellowships/leadershipthroughscholarship/overview/
Description: The yearlong Leadership through Scholarship Fellowship offers training and mentorship for early-career underrepresented in medicine (URM) minority faculty with a focus on developing scholarly writing skills for academic advancement and leadership. Fellows will benefit from a curriculum tailored for URM faculty and deep mentorship relationships to:
  • Develop a personalized leadership & career roadmap 
  • Learn how to recognize, navigate, and overcome the minority tax 
  • Create a research question tailored to their specific academic responsibilities and from topics that are important to them
  • Identify opportunities for scholarship both within and without their institution  
  • Write up and submit at least one manuscript with the coaching and co-authorship of faculty and peer mentors

Leading Change Online Course
Sponsor: Society of Teachers of Family Medicine (STFM) and Association of Departments of Family Medicine (ADFM)
Audience: Junior Faculty, Mid-Career Faculty
Length: approximately 3 hours
User Fees: Free
Awards: Certificate of Participation
Link: https://www.stfm.org/facultydevelopment/onlinecourses/leadingchangecourse/overview/
Description: This self-directed online course is for participants who want to lead change within their institutions, communities, and nations. The course includes short interactive modules, a downloadable Leading Change Workbook for individual learners, 18 group activities, and video interviews with change leaders. Learners may complete one course or all, and will earn a certificate of completion if they work through the entire course. Topics include: Building Your Team, Creating Urgency, Constructing a Change Plan, Common Team Dysfunctions, Leadership Wellness, Resilience and Authenticity, and more.

Medical Student Educators Development Institute
Sponsor: Society of Teachers of Family Medicine (STFM)
Audience: Clerkship Directors and aspiring Clerkship Directors
Length: 1 year
User Fees: $2,495
Awards: None
Link: https://www.stfm.org/facultydevelopment/fellowships/medicalstudenteducatorsdevelopmentinstitute/overview/
Description: This institute is a year-long comprehensive learning experience that gives current or aspiring clerkship directors the skills needed to advance a career in medical student education. Fellows forge enduring relationships with other participants as well as with the institute faculty who provide support and guidance. Fellows learn skills in curriculum development, student evaluation, dealing with challenging learners, recruiting and maintaining preceptor networks, negotiating, directing a course, winning support from administration, providing career advice to students, and submitting a scholarly project.

New Faculty Scholars
Sponsor: Society of Teachers of Family Medicine (STFM) Foundation
Audience: Junior Faculty
Length: 4 days
User Fees: None
Awards: up to $1,000
Link: https://www.stfm.org/awardsscholarships/scholarships/newfacultyscholarsprogram/overview/
Description: This program provides scholarships for new faculty (who have served at least 2 years but no more than 4 years as full-time faculty) to attend the STFM Annual Spring Conference and a preconference session of their choice. There are ten awards per year. This award is a catalyst for developing future leaders in STFM and other areas of academic family medicine.

Appointment to Organization of Resident Representatives (ORR)
Sponsor: Association of Departments of Family Medicine (ADFM) and Association of American Medical Colleges (AAMC)
Audience: Residents
Length: 1-2 years
User Fees: Department pays to send resident to ADFM annual conferences; AAMC covers travel to ORR meetings
Awards: None
Website: https://www.aamc.org/members/orr/about/
Description: Each year ADFM appoints a representative to the AAMC’s Organization of Resident Representatives. The ORR representative attends the ADFM Annual conference and participates in informal development activities with the ADFM Board of Directors. These representatives are nominated by ADFM member chairs from their institutions, and must be enrolled in a residency training or fellowship program at the time of appointment and no two ORR members may come from the same training program. Solicitation for nominations for ORR representatives is typically sent to ADFM members in mid-May.  

Auxiliary Student Award and Scholarship Program 
: American College of Osteopathic Family Physicians (ACOFP) and the Auxiliary to the ACOFP
Audience: Medical Students
Length: .5 Days at ACOFP Annual Convention
User Fees: None
Awards: Outstanding Osteopathic Student of the Year Award ($5,000), Emerging Osteopathic Student Leader Award ($2,500), and Osteopathic Family Medicine Student Awards ($1,000)
Link: https://www.acofp.org/acofpimis/Acofporg/Members/ACOFP_Auxiliary/Acofporg/Membership/Auxiliary_to_the_ACOFP.aspx
Description: The Auxiliary to the ACOFP annually awards one Outstanding Osteopathic Student of the Year Award ($5,000) to an osteopathic medical student who demonstrates strong philanthropic and community service, up to five Emerging Osteopathic Student Leader Awards ($2,500) to emerging student leaders in osteopathic family medicine and the ACOFP, and up to 25 Osteopathic Family Medicine Student Awards ($1,000) to students who have indicated an interest in family medicine and the ACOFP. These awards are intended to assist the students in defraying their medical school and/or personal expenses.

Chief Resident Leadership Development Program
Sponsor: American Academy of Family Medicine (AAFP)
Audience: Residents
Length: Two 3-day workshops – one in the spring and one in the fall
User Fees: $1,100
Awards: None
Link: https://www.aafp.org/medical-school-residency/program-directors/chiefs.html
Description: This year-long leadership program for family medicine chief residents includes live workshops in the spring in Kansas City and then again in the fall in conjunction with the FMX. The program gives participants the opportunity to engage in interactive workshops prior to assuming their chief resident role and once again about 6 months after they’ve had some experience in their role. In addition to the face-to-face workshops, participants have access to an online discussion forum, monthly newsletters, and tools to establish and work locally with a self-selected leadership coach.

Family Medicine Leadership Positions for Residents and Students
Sponsors: American Academy of Family Physicians (AAFP), AAFP Foundation, Society of Teachers of Family Medicine (STFM), Association of Family Medicine Residency Directors (AFMRD), and others
Audience: Residents, Students
Length: 1-2 years
User Fees: None
Awards: Most positions are reimbursed for their expenses and efforts
Description: Family medicine residents and medical students interested in family medicine have the opportunity to serve in leadership roles that give them exposure to organized medicine, health care issues, and family medicine beyond the walls of their institution and provide a great chance to learn and develop as leaders in the field. Dozens of positions are open to residents and students in broad categories including serving on boards of directors,  as a national representative such as a delegate, on an advisory or editorial board, on an association committee, as a Family Medicine Interest Group Network leader, or as a liaison between a family medicine organization and another organization.

Family Medicine Leads Emerging Leader Institute
Sponsor: American Academy of Family Physicians (AAFP) Foundation
Audience: Residents, Students
Length: 12 months
User Fees: None
Awards: Travel expenses
Link: https://www.aafpfoundation.org/foundation/our-work/grants-awards/all/fml-leader.html
Description: This institute identifies family medicine residents and medical students who display leadership potential and are motivated to gain additional leadership skills and experience. The goal is to expand the number of future family medicine leaders and to provide valuable training to help equip them for this important work. The year-long leadership development program brings together 30 participants following a competitive application process. It includes a $1,000 scholarship, plus the potential for additional $1,000 and $3,000 scholarships related to project awards.

FMIG Faculty Advisor Summit
Sponsor: American Academy of Family Physicians (AAFP)
Audience: Senior Faculty, Mid-Career Faculty, Junior Faculty, Students
Length: 1 day or less
User Fees: None
Awards: None
Link: https://www.aafp.org/medical-school-residency/fmig/connect.html
Description: This summit brings together faculty and staff serving as advisors and supporters to their institution’s Family Medicine Interest Group (FMIG) or Student Association of the American College of Osteopathic Family Physicians (ACOFP student chapter) to learn and share about effective administration of these student groups, role modeling behaviors, family medicine messaging, programming, fundraising strategies, and more. Advisors are also engaged in faculty leadership and skill development. These workshops are hosted by the AAFP’s national FMIG Network in even-numbered years in conjunction with the STFM Conference on Medical Student Education.

FMIG Leadership Track - AAFP National Conference of Family Medicine Residents and Medical Students
Sponsor: American Academy of Family Physicians (AAFP)
Audience: Students, Faculty (Family Medicine Interest Group faculty advisors)
Length: Two days during the AAFP National Conference
User Fees: None
Awards: None
Link: https://www.aafp.org/events/national-conference.html
Description: Each year at the AAFP National Conference of Family Medicine Residents and Medical Students, the national Family Medicine Interest Group (FMIG) Network hosts four FMIG leadership sessions for FMIG student leaders and faculty in attendance. The network connects FMIG student and faculty leaders across the country and provides resources and support to FMIGs. These sessions are key sources for FMIG leaders to learn how to plan strategically, fund-raise, bring back new ideas for family medicine programming, and develop initiatives that increase student choice of family medicine.

Future Leaders Conference
Sponsor: American College of Osteopathic Family Physicians
Audience: Residents and New Physicians in Practice for One to Five Years
Length: 2.5 Days
User Fees: Attendees pay for their travel only
Awards: No
Link (to program site): https://www.acofp.org/acofpimis/Acofporg/Events/Future_Leaders_Conference/Acofporg/Professional_Development/Future_Leaders_Conference.aspx
Description: The Future Leaders Conference identifies outstanding new physicians and family medicine residents interested in achieving a greater awareness of their leadership style and its impact on their professional performance. The goal is for the attendees to learns to maintain and prioritize personal balance, lead while managing change, understand strengths, maximize the talents of others, learning what influences leadership and connect with peers and mentor leaders of ACOFP. Conference attendees are selected by an application process and allows up to 30 participants.

Initial Certification Grant
Sponsor: ACOFP Education & Research Foundation
Audience: Residents
Length: Spring and Fall Cycle
User Fees: N/A
Awards: Up to $1,400 in reimbursement for exam fees and travel
Description: In order to relieve some of the financial burden for residents entering the field, the ACOFP Education and Research Foundation has launched the Initial Certification Grant. The grant will award up to $1,400 for exam fees and travel expenses to residents who don’t otherwise have funding support from their program to be used for the AOBFP exam. Partial grants may be awarded, if the residency program covers a portion of fees and/or travel
To be eligible for this opportunity, you must be a third-year resident member of ACOFP planning to sit for the American Osteopathic Board of Family Physicians written (cognitive) exam and the OMT Performance Exam (practical). Eligible residents must take both the cognitive and practical exam. Proof of payment of certification fees, a completed travel expense report form and a completed W-9 form are required.

Leadership Track - AAFP National Conference of Family Medicine Residents and Medical Students
Sponsor: American Academy of Family Physicians (AAFP)
Audience: Residents, Students
Length: 3 days
User Fees: None
Awards: None
Link: https://www.aafp.org/events/national-conference.html
Description: This leadership track at the AAFP National Conference of Family Medicine Residents and Medical Students provides several opportunities for residents and students to cultivate leadership skills. In addition to traditional educational sessions, attendees can participate in a truly interactive leadership experience by getting involved in the National Congress of Family Medicine Residents (NCFMR) or the National Congress of Student Members (NCSM), writing resolutions, debating issues, and electing candidates for national resident and student office. Additional conference programming also includes leadership topics.

NAPCRG Trainee Stipend Program
Sponsor: North American Primary Care Research Group (NAPCRG)
Audience: Trainees (must be enrolled in an accredited undergraduate, graduate, medical or osteopathic school, or residency program)
Length: One day preconference at NAPCRG Annual Meeting
User Fees: pay any remaining balance of conference registration and travel that exceeds the $1,000 scholarship
Awards: Ten $1,000 scholarships
Link: http://www.napcrg.org/trainee
Description: The trainee stipend program offers ten $1,000 stipends for attendance at the 2018 NAPCRG Annual Meeting in Chicago, Illinois, November 9-13. The stipend can be used for expenses required for meeting attendance including transportation, hotel expenses and meals. The purpose of this program is to aid and encourage trainees to attend the NAPCRG Annual Meeting that may be unaffordable otherwise. To apply for a stipend, you must be in good standing with your medical institution and a current member of NAPCRG. Apply for a stipend. Signed applications must be received by August 31 (midnight EDT).

Pisacano Leadership Foundation
Sponsor: American Board of Family Medicine (ABFM)
Audience: Fourth-Year Medical Students
Length: Up to 4 years
User Fees: None
Awards: $5,000 scholarship + $2,000 leadership training expenses, $7,000 per year for up to 4 years.
Link: http://www.pisacano.org/
Description: This program offers many career development opportunities and scholarship funding to the future leaders of family medicine. The Pisacano Scholars participate in semi-annual Leadership Skills Development Symposia and are offered a multitude of educational programs and mentoring relationships with current leaders in the field of family medicine. These programs are designed to enhance the overall leadership skills of the Pisacano Scholars, to provide them with the historical context and scope of family medicine, and to allow the Scholars to network and form professional relationships within their field. Third-year medical students are eligible to apply. Only students who demonstrate a strong commitment to the specialty of family medicine will be considered.

STFM Conference on Medical Student Education Scholarship Program
Sponsor: Society of Teachers of Family Medicine (STFM)
Audience: Students
Length: 3 days
User Fees: None
Awards: $500/student plus promise from family medicine department for additional $500 to cover expenses
Link: https://www.stfm.org/awardsscholarships/scholarships/stfmfoundationstudentscholarship/overview/
Description: STFM recognizes students who have both an interest in family medicine and potential for an academic career by offering scholarships to attend the STFM Conference on Medical Student Education. These students demonstrate leadership aptitude by presenting scholarly work through a poster presentation and interacting with experienced family medicine educators.

Student Leadership and Volunteer Opportunities
Sponsor: American College of Osteopathic Family Physicians (ACOFP) and the National Student Executive Board of the Student Association of the ACOFP
Audience: Medical Students
Length: One Year
User Fees: None
Awards: None
Link: www.acofp.org/students
Description: The National Student Executive Board annually elects the President, Vice-President, Secretary and Parliamentarian for a one-year term. Each of the Colleges of Osteopathic Medicine have a Chapter of the Student Association of the ACOFP and annually elects an executive board for a one-year term at each campus and branch campus. The NSEB annually opens up to 40 student volunteer positions in Membership Recruitment, Resolutions Review, Education and Public Relations Committees. ACOFP annually elect a Student Governor position to the Board of Governors.

Webinars for Residents
Sponsor: American College of Osteopathic Family Physicians
Audience: Residents
Length: Self-Paced
User Fees: None
Awards: None
Link: https://www.pathlms.com/acofp/courses/4926/sections/7269
Description: ACOFP offers webinars free to residents (log-in required) on topics such as billing and coding, alternative payment models, improving the care of LGBTQIA adolescents and physician onboarding.

Webinars for Students
Sponsor: American College of Osteopathic Family Physicians
Audience: Medical Students
Length: Self-Paced
User Fees: None
Awards: None
Link: https://www.pathlms.com/acofp/courses/1960/sections/4684
Description: ACOFP offers webinars free to students (log-in required) on topics such as intern year, family medicine match, work/life integration strategies and direct primary care.