

A Letter From STFM President Tricia Elliott, MD, on Social Justice

June 1, 2020 

Dear STFM Community,

The events of the past week have been heartbreaking, so I write to you today on behalf of the national leadership of the Society of Teachers of Family Medicine to let you, our student, resident, and faculty members, know that we share in your pain, anger, and sadness.

We condemn and denounce discriminatory and racist acts and call on all members of the family medicine community to speak out against inequality and systemic racism. What is happening in our communities today, and what has been happening in our country for decades, is unacceptable.

Further, we recognize and appreciate the change that many family medicine educators and learners are seeking to make in their communities both locally and globally. It reinforces the importance of STFM’s priority to promote health equity and make a positive difference in our communities.

Now is the time to join together to find ways to battle hate through meaningful and thoughtful dialogue and inclusive leadership. We must help those who struggle to be heard. We must come together to build better and stronger communities through compassion and service.

As role models and educators for the faculty of tomorrow, we can do more to better educate and empower medical students and residents on being stronger, more inclusive community leaders. Let us work together to seek health equity and further inclusivity for all in our health care systems and in our communities. It is more urgent than ever that we seek to understand opinions different from ours and to seek resolutions and systems that create a more peaceful world. Health equity will remain a high priority in our work.

While we cannot change the past, we can work to change tomorrow by being a positive force in our communities. The world is calling out for leadership, kindness, and service and all of us in STFM have a role to play.

Tricia Elliott, MD
STFM President

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