

Call for Applications for an Evaluation Team and Subject Matter Experts for an STFM Competency-Based Medical Education Project

Apply by October 30, 2023

September 28, 2023—The ACGME Family Medicine Program Requirements that went into effect in July 2023 require programs to ensure residents demonstrate competence. The ACGME FM-RC has indicated that programs will need to show they are assessing competence, and the American Board of Family Medicine will require program directors attest to individual resident competence.

STFM is launching a new project to help family medicine residency programs meet the new requirements and is seeking:

1. Members with knowledge and expertise in competency-based medical education (CBME) to partner with members of the STFM CBME Task Force to provide faculty development to help family medicine residency programs make the transition to CBME. Faculty development will be delivered through in-person and virtual events. Travel will be reimbursed for in-person training, and nominal stipends may be provided.

To apply, send a 1-3 page letter of interest to Mary Theobald at Include:

  • Your name and contact information, including your program or institution
  • Why you're interested
  • A list of CMBE training you've received, including self-study
  • A list of any recent CBME presentations or papers
  • Any preference for virtual vs in-person delivery of faculty development


2. An Evaluator or Evaluation Team: This individual or team will lead the evaluation of a pilot project to test and refine CBME resources. They will form the evaluation plan, take the lead in survey development, be the principal investigator for the IRB, and lead the dissemination of results. 

About the Pilot Project:
Program directors and residency coordinators from up to 25 residency programs will participate in the pilot, which will include in-person and virtual training and implementation of a mobile app, an Individualized Learning Plan, other assessments identified by the STFM CBME Task Force, and STFM-directed strategies for learning portfolios. The resources will be implemented during the 2024-2025 academic year.

This will be an IRB-approved study to measure the effectiveness of the training, the mobile app, the assessments, the digital individualized learning plans, and the portfolio strategies. Participants will be required to complete pre-, mid- and post-pilot surveys, reporting on:

  • Their confidence in delivering competency-based assessment
  • The number of app-based assessments per resident
  • Program directors’ confidence in attesting to resident competence, based on the assessment methods used
  • Satisfaction with the mobile app, the assessments, and the individualized learning plans

$10,000 is available for project evaluation and dissemination.

To apply, send a 1-3 page letter of interest and qualifications to Mary Theobald at

This project is supported by a grant from the American Board of Family Medicine Foundation.