The National Clerkship Curriculum is for clerkship directors or faculty who are designing, delivering, and evaluating family medicine clerkships.
This National Clerkship Curriculum is a resource, not a requirement. The content is designed to help you, but you are not required to use it. However, when your institution is up for reaccreditation, the LCME self study requires that you note whether you used national curriculum to design your clerkship. In addition, you may find this content useful in discussions with your institution's curriculum committee on the amount of time needed to complete the objectives outlined in the national curriculum.
The National Clerkship Curriculum is also not a complete list of all possible patient presentations that family physicians competently manage; rather it is a list of the minimum presentations that should be covered in a clerkship.
The content of the National Family Medicine Clerkship Curriculum is organized into five sections, with specific objectives for each topic.
- Principles of Family Medicine
- Core Presentations for Acute Care
- Core Presentations for Chronic Diseases
- Health Promotion and Disease Prevention
- Role of Family Medicine
STFM members can access the following peer-reviewed curricular resources specifically geared for these topics: