The Underrepresented in Medicine Journey to Academic Medicine Podcast
Episode 3: Building Your Academic Portfolio and CV with Renee Crichlow, MD
Our hosts, Tochi Iroku-Malize, MD, MPH, MBA, and Omari Hodge, MD, FAAFP, were joined by Renee Crichlow, MD, a family medicine vice chair and advocacy and policy leader, to discuss ways for residents and students to prepare their academic portfolio and develop a scholarly CV. We touched on the qualities that leaders look for in the CV of a resident considering an academic career and what you can do to develop your skills.
Hosted by Tochi Iroku-Malize, MD, MPH, MBA and Omari Hodge, MD, FAAFP
- Twelve tips for creating an academic teaching portfolio - PubMed (nih.gov)
- Twelve tips on how to compile a medical educator's portfolio - PubMed (nih.gov)
- Academic Careers for Minority Faculty: Myth and Reality (sloanphds.org)
- Academic Curriculum Vitae (CV) Example and Writing Tips | Indeed.com
URM Journey to Academic Medicine Podcast
The URM Journey to Academic Medicine Podcast, also known as the URM JAM, is hosted by Tochi Iroku-Malize, MD, MPH, MBA, FAAFP and Omari A. Hodge, MD, FAAFP.
We address the real and perceived barriers faced by historically Underrepresented in Medicine residents and students when considering a career in academic family medicine, and provide practical tips and personal advice on topics like leadership, scholarly activity, CVs, mentorship, and more.