

Antiracism Survey Results Provide Direction for STFM Task Force, Committee, and Board of Directors

An Update from the STFM Antiracism Task Force

October 1, 2022In 2021, STFM convened a new task force to support members in dismantling structural racism in medical education. We asked STFM members about Racism in Medical Education and received 1,140 responses about your experiences and asks of STFM. Thank you all for your time and responses! 

Overall, members felt like their institutions were addressing racism in some regard:

  • 86.06% said their institution often (46.21%) or occasionally (39.85%) has discussions about how institutional racism affects their ability to meet their mission
  • 86.5% said discussions about racism, white privilege, power, and accountability are encouraged at their institution often (51.7%) or occasionally (34.8%)
  • 85.26% strongly agree (26.56%) or agree (58.7%) that their institutions are taking meaningful steps toward reducing racism

The information you provided was powerful. You told us about a desire for mentorship, institutional support, and strategies to address microaggressions. When asked how STFM can help, over 68% of you requested resources from STFM to guide practice to reduce the prevalence of racism in academic family medicine. We heard you! Since receiving the results of the survey, STFM has undertaken several important steps: 

The STFM Board has tried to lead by example by undergoing upstander training and making systemic changes to the organization. They have revised the bylaws to add a Standing Committee on Diversity, Equity, Inclusion, and Accessibility, effective May 2023. 

Lastly, our Antiracism Task Force has used grant funding from Adtalem Global Education Foundation to create an antiracism learning collaborative to give STFM members across the country training, structure, and support to promote health equity and antiracism in their own institutions. 

We know there is still so much to do, but we hope this shows some of the tangible steps we are taking to hear and amplify your voice. Thank you for informing the direction of these efforts and for all you do for our patients and learners. 

STFM Antiracism Task Force