Purpose: To give practical information and methods to enhance practice improvement through health information and patient education efforts or to enhance resident/behavioral science education. Seminars should include a combination of presentation and active involvement of participants.
Time: 60 minutes (50-minute presentation, 10 minutes of discussion/response)
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Purpose: To provide a forum for focused didactic presentation and discussion of an in-progress clinical, research, administrative, education project or brief behavioral medicine topic with preliminary data and/or expected results.
Time: 30 minutes (20-minute presentation, 10 minutes of discussion/response)
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Purpose: To present high-quality, interactive sessions that require more time than the regular conference format allows.
Time: 90 minutes
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Purpose: To provide an opportunity for one-on-one discussion of a presenter’s completed project in education, process of care, patient-oriented outcomes, and quality of care studies. Completed posters require Purpose, Methods, Results, Conclusions (Distribution of handouts is encouraged; audiovisual equipment not provided).
Time: 1 hour staffing your poster during dedicated time; posters will be on display for 1 1/2 days (including refreshment breaks)
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Purpose: To provide an opportunity for one-on-one discussion of a presenter’s work-in-progress project related to teaching, education, curricular or clinical intervention, management innovation, or quality improvement. (Distribution of handouts is encouraged; audiovisual equipment not provided).
Time: 1 hour staffing your poster during dedicated time; posters will be on display for 1 1/2 days (including refreshment breaks)
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Purpose: To provide an opportunity for one-on-one discussion of a presenter’s work in progress project related to teaching, education, curricular or clinical intervention, management innovation, or quality improvement. (Distribution of handouts is encouraged; audiovisual equipment not provided).
Time: 1 hour staffing your poster during dedicated time; posters will be on display for 1 1/2 days (including refreshment breaks)
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Purpose: informal presentations to share experiences, ideas, problems, or solutions; leaders briefly present material and facilitate discussion
Time: 50 minutes (including breakfast)
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