

STFM Seeking Nominations for New DEIA Committee

October 1, 2022—STFM is seeking nominations and self-nominations for committee members for the new STFM Standing Committee on Diversity, Equity, Inclusivity, and Accessibility (DEIA), which will be formed effective May 2023. 

The new Committee on Diversity, Equity, Inclusivity, and Accessibility will oversee DEIA activities and specific underrepresented in medicine (URiM) activities for the Society. Specific committee responsibilities would include:

  • Oversight of Antiracism Learning Collaborative and other antiracism activities in concert with other STFM committees and collaboratives. The current Antiracism Task Force is slated to continue through 2023, and its work would transition to the DEIA Committee after the task force sunsets.
  • URM Leadership Development Initiatives – The committee will investigate and implement approaches to lead activities that develop more URiM faculty and leaders
  • Oversee the STFM Diversity Award – The committee will screen nominations and make a recommendation to the Board for final approval.
  • Oversight of URM Mentorship Program – The committee will provide coordination for the various programs and activities related to URiM coaching and mentoring, working with the faculty and collaboratives who run the activities.
  • Oversight of Accessibility Work – Working in concert with other committees, the DEIA Committee will explore approaches to increase the level of access and reasonable accommodations to STFM activities for members with disabilities.

Committee members serve a 2-year term and are eligible for an additional 2-year term renewal. Members are expected to travel to attend two 1-day in-person meetings per year; STFM covers travel expenses for those meetings. Conference calls are scheduled as needed. Expected time commitment is estimated at ~15-25 hours per year plus in-person meetings.

Please share with us a statement of interest listing your relevant experience in these areas (responses in bulleted form preferred; 2 page maximum):

  • Previous committee or group experience (specify STFM, other non-profit, or other)
  • Commitment to DEIA and antiracism work
  • Relevant scholarly work
  • Other special characteristics, perspectives, and experiences that would make you a strong contributor to the STFM DEIA committee

For consideration for the 2023 DEIA Committee member openings, please send:

to Jenni Minor by Nov. 15, 2022 at, or call 913-800-5676 for more information.

Applicants can expect to be notified of the STFM Board of Directors' decision in Feb 2023.

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Leawood, KS 66211

(800) 274-7928