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CME/CEU Credits

STFM has filed an application for CME/CEU credits for physicians and behaviorist professionals. Determination of credit is pending and will be available on the conference website when available. More details will be provided on the conference website and in the Final Program.

New CME/CEU Offerings at Annual Spring Conference

STFM has exciting news to share about continuing medical education (CME) and continuing education unit (CEU) credit at the Annual Spring Conference! We’ve heard your feedback and are happy to announce that we expanded our CME/CEU offering to include pharmacy, social work, and psychology credits.

This is one of the most requested improvements among past conference attendees, and we hope this addition makes the Annual Spring Conference a more rewarding experience for a larger group of medical professionals.


If you have questions about the Annual Spring Conference, contact (800) 274-7928 or email