Summer Retreat

Thursday, August 15—Friday, August 16, 2024
Hilton Alexandria Old Town in Alexandria, VA

PDF Version of this AGENDA


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Organizational Updates 

Future Meeting Dates (DOWNLOAD PDF)

List of Attendees (DOWNLOAD PDF)

Attendee Photos and Biosketches (VIEW)
Presenter Photos and Biosketches (VIEW)
Invited Guests Photos and Biosketches (VIEW)


Pre-Meeting Schedule (all times are Eastern)\

Wednesday, August 14, 2024

  • 1–4 pm: ABFM Executive/Finance CommitteeMadison Room (2nd floor)
  • 4–5:30 pm: AAFP Leadership MeetingWashington Room (2nd floor)
  • 3–6 pm: AFMRD Leadership Meeting—Jefferson Room (2nd floor)

Thursday, August 15th, 2024

  • 8:30 am–12 pm ABFM/AAFP Leadership Meeting—Potamac A Room (1st floor)
  • 8:30 am–12:30 pm CAFM Meeting—Madison Room  (2nd floor


Revisiting the Clinical Model of Family Medicine

Retreat Goals:

  1. Identify long term trends in family physician scope of practice and the key drivers of those trends
  2. Learn others’ perspectives of the role of family physicians in the health care system
  3. Explore “brights spots” in clinical practice and catalysts for change
  4. Ask “what next?”


Thursday, August 15, 2024 (all times are eastern)

1-1:25 pm—Washington Jefferson Room

Introductions and Goals of the Retreat

1:25–2:45 pm—Washington Jefferson Room

What We Know About Narrowing Scope of Family Physicians. 

Defining the Problem

Small-Group Discussions and Report Out (40 minutes): Please take a minute privately to consider the following questions—then share with one colleague, then discuss as a small group. After 10 minutes, each table will share one observation with the large group.

      • What are the most important trends? What are the implications?
      • What are the most important drivers of these trends?

2:45–3 pm—Break

3–4:15 pm—Washington/Jefferson Room

Key Drivers of Narrowing Scope of Practice  
Facilitator: Andrea Anderson, MD, MEd, FAAFP (ABFM)

Panel—15 minutes each + 5 minutes questions from audience; 15 minutes discussion in large group

4:15-4:30 pm—Break

4:30-6:30 pm—Washington/Jefferson Room

Family Medicine Through Others’ Eyes: What Role Should Family Medicine Play in the Health Care System
Facilitator: Stephanie Quinn (AAFP)

15 minutes for each presenter, 5 minutes questions for each presenter, with 30 minutes large group discussion

6:30-7 pm—Washington/Jefferson Foyer

Reception, Heavy Hors Oeuvres, & Networking

7-8:30 pm—Washington/Jefferson Room

Dinner and Discussion
Facilitator: Gerardo Moreno, MD, MSHS (ABFM)

Each talk will be for 15 minutes, followed by 15 minutes of questions and comments from the floor.


Friday, August 16, 2024 (all times are eastern)

6:45–8 amWashington/Jefferson Foyer


7–8 am—Washington/Jefferson Room

Breakfast Meetings: Affinity Groups—Family medicine organizations, student + residents, early career, patient and public members, editors, researchers, plus other groups.) 

    • Each table should identify 2 responses or suggestions with regard to the future clinical models of family medicine. These will be reported out to large group at 8 am.

8–8:30 am—Washington/Jefferson Room

Affinity Groups Brief Report Outs
Facilitator: Warren Newton, MD, MPH (ABFM); Note taking: Janice Thomas (ABFM)

    • Each affinity group will report out one or two observations or reactions to the presentations so far.

8:30–8:45 am—Break and Networking 

8:45–9:45 am—Washington/Jefferson Room

Bright Spots
There will be 3 concurrent sessions. Each presenter will have 10 minutes per presentation, 5 minutes for questions, and then 15 minutes for discussion for the room.

Reinventing Individual Practices
Facilitator: Steve Furr, MD, FAAFP (AAFP); Notetaking: Heather Palmer, MA, MBA (AAFP Foundation)

8:45-9:45 am—Breakouts

Potomac A, Breakout Rm #1

Meeting the Needs of Patients at Risk
Facilitator: Joe Gravel, MD (STFM); Notetaking: Tom Vansaghi, PhD (NAPCRG)

Potomac B, Breakout Rm #2

Primary Care at Scale
Facilitator: Grant Greenberg, MD, MA, MHSA, FAAFP, Notetaking: Roger Bean, CPA (ABFM)

9:45–10 am—Break

10-11 am—Washington/Jefferson Room

Bold Visions: Setting Regional and National Strategy
Facilitator: David Park, DO, FAAFP, FACOFP dist. (ACOFP); Notetaking: Amanda Weidner, MPH (ADFM)

10-11 am—Breakouts

Potomac A, Breakout Rm #1

Catalysts of Change
Facilitator: Jehni Robinson, MD, FAAFP (ADFM); Note Taking: Lisa Ochs (AFMRD)

Potomac B, Breakout Rm #2

Catalysts of Change II
Facilitator: Viv Ramsden, RN PhD, MCFFP (Hon.), FCAHS (NAPCRG); Note Taking: Bob Moore, MA, MS, FAFSA, CAE (ACOFP)

      • Continuity’s Impact on Outcomes—Bob Phillips, MD, MSPH, Founding Executive Director of the Center for Professionalism and Value in Health Care and Executive Committee Member of the ABFM

      • Rethinking the Care Team in FQHCs—Renee Crichlow, MD, FAAFP, Past President, STFM; Chief Medical Officer, Codman Square Health Center, Vice-Chair of Health
        Equity, Boston University Medical School, Department of Family Medicine

11-11:15 am—Break

11:15 am–12 pm—Washington/Jefferson Room

Town Hall: Meaning and Direction
Facilitator: Warren Newton, MD, MPH (ABFM); Notetaking: Janice Thomas (ABFM)

      • What Are the Major Learnings From the Last 24 Hours?
      • What Should Next Steps be for the Speciality?
      • What Should Next Steps be for Future Retreats?

The purpose of this session is to begin framing the lessons from this retreat and explore next steps. The format will be large group, interactive discussion.

12-1 pm LUNCH—Washington/Jefferson Room


Meeting Agenda

Friday, August 16, 2024 (all times are eastern)

1-1:10 pm—Washington Jefferson Room

Welcome and Review of Agenda
Moderator: Andrea Anderson, MD, MEd, FAAFP (ABFM)

1:10–1:50 pm—Washington Jefferson Room

National Research Capacity Building in Family Medicine—Update and Next Steps

    • Irf Asif, MD, Chair, Family Medicine Research Strategic Plan
    • Amanda Weidner, MPH, Executive Director of ADFM
    • Tom Vansaghi, PhD, Executive Director of NAPCRG

      Report and Proposals for Next Steps
      • Updates
      • NIH CARE initiative
      • Round Robin Updates

(background readings)

1:50–2:30 pm—Washington Jefferson Room

What Are the Priorities for Family Medicine in Responding to and Using AI? Should We Develop a Coordinated Strategy?

    • AAFP

2:30–2:40 pm—BREAK

2:40–3:20 pm—Washington Jefferson Room

Implementing POCUS in Continuity Care

3:20—3:30 pmWashington Jefferson Room

Wrap Up and Next Steps

About FMLC

Formed in 1977 and renamed in 2019, the Family Medicine Leadership Consortium is intended to facilitate information sharing, relationship building, and leadership for coordinated and/or collaborative strategic action on behalf of family medicine. The twice yearly meetings of the leadership of the key family medicine organizations are foundational to collective impact. At FMLC meetings, we develop personal relationships among leaders across organizations and explore common action with input from volunteer leaders and executive staff. 

FMLC History

FMLC Principles for Working Together